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A La Carte (2/21)

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It’s Family Day today–a holiday recently bestowed upon us by our Provincial Government. We’ll take it. The funny thing is that it’s not a Federal (National) holiday. So national services such as mail continue today. Stores are closed, banks are closed, the post office is open. I always make sure to make fun of my mailman for having to work today.

Sharing With Your Wife – Brian Croft has an article targetted at pastors and elders and answering this question: How much information should you share with your wife?

King’s Cross – Tim Keller’s King’s Cross releases today and Westminster Books is offering what I believe is the best price on it–60% off for your first copy, 45% off for subsequent ones.

Christian Divorce Rate – I’m glad that someone is taking on this ridiculous statistic. “Christians divorce at roughly the same rate as the world! It’s one of the most quoted stats by Christian leaders today. And it’s perhaps one of the most inaccurate. Based on the best data available, the divorce rate among Christians is significantly lower than the general population”

Best Science PicturesNational Geographic offers a gallery of the best science pictures of 2010.

Dawn Treader – This blog offers up some interesting snippets of reviews of Voyage of the Dawn Treader focusing on its religious aspects.

God’s Providence in Salvation – Tom Martin is the (new) husband of a friend. It was great to hear his testimony as recorded at Covenant Life Church. Be encouraged as you hear how the Lord saved him.

Be laid aside in bed for a week. You will soon know whether you are a Christian or not.

—D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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