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A La Carte (2/20)

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The Divine Egotist?
Dr. Mohler provides a bibilical answer to this common series of questions: “Is the God of the Bible the supreme egotist? That question arises when human beings contemplate the meaning of the truth that God does everything for the sake of his own glory. Is God then a megalomaniac?”

My Dad the Christian
Joe Thorn writes a great little article about his father’s conversion. “So, my dad is a Christian. I’ve prayed for hs salvation for 19 years and am now focused on helping him to grow in grace. I just hope I can keep up with him!”

The Obamateur Hour
This article by Mark Steyn is worth reading just for the zingers. “President Obama chose to nominate Tim “Indispensable” Geithner and Tom “Home, James!” Daschle, men whose enthusiasm for the size of the federal budget is in inverse proportion to their urge to contribute to it.” “The hideous drooling blob of toxic pustules dignified as “stimulus” is something the incoming Obama had months to prepare for…”

D.A.C. @ B.B.C.
This sounds like a great opportunity for anyone in the Minneapolis area. D.A. Carson will be at Bethlehem Baptist Church teaching “a fourteen-part series aimed at providing an overview for the Bible and the gospel message. There will be times for Q & A. Christians and non-Christians alike are invited to come and hear D. A. Carson teach through the entire Bible message in two weekends.”

Anger: The Image of Satan
An article at Boundless. “When I grow angry I find myself losing belief. I lose faith in God’s goodness amid my circumstances. I lose belief in his promises, that ‘he works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose’ (Rom 8:28).”

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