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A La Carte (2/16)

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I’m running a bit late today, so let’s get to the links.

Correction – Justin Taylor shares some wisdom in a brief article titled “When Is an Issue Important Enough to Correct Someone?”

Space Shuttle – NASA’s space shuttle program has ended. This article rounds up some of the most important shuttle missions.

Exegetical Malpractice – Get Religion has an assessment of Newsweek’s ridiculous article “What the Bible Really Says About Sex.”

Facebook + Valentine’s Day – This is good stuff: “If someone you know is posting pictures of their hot date on Facebook, I guarantee you weren’t missing out on anything. The last time I turned up the heat, I wasn’t thinking about Facebook.”

Modesty – Bob Kauflin addresses front of the room modesty for worship teams. “One of the topics in the church that leaders rarely address is modesty. It’s awkward. You can be accused of legalism. People can be offended. It can seem politically incorrect. But that doesn’t mean it should never be addressed, nor that there’s not a gracious way to do it.”

One-armed Legless Man – Some news stories are just too bizarre to believe. A friend sent me this one: “A male nurse had to be rushed to the emergency unit after being badly injured by a disabled patient who had no legs and only one arm.”

Prayer Request for Egypt – Michael Horton shares some notes from a conference call with Christians leaders in Egypt.

God punishes his enemies but chastises his children.

—Alistair Begg

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