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A La Carte (2/15)

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Harry Truman’s Love List – Having recently read David McCullough’s amazing biography of Harry Truman, I enjoyed this article at Smithsonian magazine. “As a celebration of 38 years of marriage, the former president shared his memories, both fond and bittersweet, from each anniversary.”

Covering the Asteroid – “NASA Television will provide commentary starting at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Friday, Feb. 15, during the close, but safe, flyby of a small near-Earth asteroid named 2012 DA14.” You will be able to watch it via livestream.

White SmokeForeign Policy has an insider’s guide to the election of a new pope. They cover the process and the likely candidates.

How Movies Teach Our Kids About Gender – “What are movies teaching our kids about gender, about what it means to be men and women? That’s the question Colin Stokes asks in this recent TED Talks video. Although he raises a number of good points, here are a couple of the more interesting ones.”

God’s LoveGod’s Love: A Bible Storybook is an iPad app that has been marked down to free for a few days.

Am I Called to Ministry? – Kevin DeYoung offers a good answer to the question (and it’s a question I think just about every Christian man asks at one time or another). If Kevin’s answer stirs up something, Dave Harvey’s Am I Called? is a good book to read.

Unnatural Postures – “We pull a smartphone from our pocket, and it seems to squeeze perfectly well into our life. It fits in our hand. It works on a table. But is the smartphone accommodating us, or are we accommodating the smartphone?” This is kind of an unusual but still interesting article. You’ll have to scroll down (after clicking the link) to read it.

We are more concerned about looking stupid (a fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord).

—Ed Welch

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