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A La Carte (2/15)

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An Intrusion Into the Christian Bedroom – This is great and relevant stuff from Ed Welch: “Excuse me for barging in, but it might be time for more people to intrude into the marital bedroom. Though there are some good Christian books on marital sex, most of them repeat two basic mantras…” He isn’t so sure about those mantras.

Email – This is a fascinating infographic that deals with email. Turns out we’re all drowning in email (as if we didn’t already know that!).

Band of Bloggers – Band of Bloggers is back! If you’re at T4G, why don’t you consider also coming to BoB…

Valentine the Brave – “A godly husband, then is not one who four times a year takes up the aggravating task of trying to be relational, in order to keep his wife from getting grumpy. Instead a godly husband is tasked with the constant call of communicating his love and commitment to his wife. This is not a few days a year, but every day. Too often husbands get frustrated, even offended by this hard reality. ‘Doesn’t she think I’m a man of my word? I promised ‘Until death do us part’ and I meant it.’”

Blogging and Controversy – Timothy Dalrymple has some good thoughts on blogging and controversy.

Desiring God Update – John Piper has an important update about Desiring God. The heart of it is this: they will no longer be stocking books, so to clear out the warehouse they’ve put everything on sale at $5. I guess that means this is a good time to stock up!

The time of every man’s death has been fixed by God. We are safe from all risk until God is pleased to call us away.

—John Calvin

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