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A La Carte (2/15)

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It’s an early start today, so let’s get right to those links…

Nation Somehow ShockedThe Onion has the occasional good one. Yesterday was one of them. “As more details emerged of Friday’s horrible but relatively commonplace manifestation of human nature in Brandon, SD, citizens nationwide somehow managed to enter a state of shock, apparently struggling to comprehend an act that, throughout history, has happened thousands upon thousands of times.”

Lectures with Richard Bauckham – From SBTS: “Professor Richard Bauckham will deliver the Spring 2011 Julius Brown Gay Lectures on February 15-16. Professor Bauckham is Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and is a renowned New Testament scholar.” You can watch them live online at

Pre-Order – Just a reminder that my book The Next Story is now available for pre-order. I’m not above begging. Don’t make me beg!

World Press Photo Winners – has a roundup of some of the best shots from the 54th World Press Photo Contest.

Wiki Leaks and JudgmentDouglas Groothuis shares a guest post written by Ajith Fernando, author and minister in Sri Lanka. Fernando looks at Wiki Leaks and says it “is an instructive foretaste of a terrifying disclosure which will take place some day! Whoever thought that money stashed in secret accounts Swiss banks would be made public? The Bible says, “For God will bring every deed into judgment, withe very secret thing, whether good or evil” (Eccl. 12:1).”

What’s a Strong Tower? – Mounce looks at Proverbs 18:10 and asks “What’s a strong tower”? A tower that possess the quality of strength? What does that mean? A tower that is built with a strong door? Strong straps?”

Tears of Hope – A while back I mentioned Zac Smith. Here is an update from his wife one year after his death.

I think the devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, crowds … Satan is quite aware of the power of silence.

—Jim Elliot

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