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A La Carte (2/13)

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5 Things a Daughter Needs to Hear – Daniel Darling: “There is something about having a daughter that softens a man, adds a certain tenderness to his soul. In that spirit, I’d like to share five things every daughter needs to hear from her father”

Downton Abbey – Matthew Miller provides a compelling take on Downton Abbey. “I’m willing to concede that Downton has definite strengths–I have taken the time to watch a little over two seasons, after all–but my overall evaluation of the show is getting progressively more negative with each new episode. To explain why, I need to go back to Jane Austen.”

The Greatest of All Protestant Heresies – Sinclair Ferguson looks at church history and asks, “What is the greatest of all Protestant heresies? Perhaps justification by faith? Perhaps Scripture alone, or one of the other Reformation watchwords?” His answer may surprise you.

Center Church – Jonathan Leeman has a very long, very helpful review of Tim Keller’s Center Church. He recommends that you read the book, but also recommends that you first tear out a couple of chapters.

10 Foolish Obstacles – “God chose the foolishness of Gospel preaching to save them that believe. The Gospel message is foolishness to the world. But so is the Gospel medium – preaching. And he did it knowing that this method of communication would upset many people and cause them to find many foolish reasons for not listening. Some of the foolish obstacles I’ve come across (in myself and others) are…”

Men in general do not live as if they looked to die; and therefore do not die as if they looked to live.

—Thomas Manton

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