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A La Carte (2/12)

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Charles Darwin and the Modern Mind
On this, the two hundredth anniversary of Darwin’s birth, Dr. Mohler offers “a list of annotated links from my past writings and radio programs — all related to Darwin or Darwinian evolution.”

And Baby Makes How Many?
Here is an interesting article from the New York Times looking at large families. “But as families have shrunk, and parents helicopter over broods tinier yet more precious, a vanload of children has taken on more of a freak show factor. The families know the stereotypes: they’re polygamists, religious zealots, reality-show hopefuls or Quebecois in it for the per-child government bonus. “

Giveaway: Discipleship Explored
Monergism is giving away a copy of Discipleship Explored. Visit the link for details.

Deal of the Day: Freedom of the Will
Reformation Heritage Books is offering 50% off a new printing of Jonathan Edwards’ masterpiece Freedom of the Will.

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