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A La Carte (2/10)

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Yesterday I got to see the rough cut of the commercial/trailer they are making for my book The Next Story. I was really impressed. I can’t wait for it to be finalized so I can show it to you. Hopefully soon…

To Be Forgotten – Darryl Dash reflects on this: “Daniel, the senior pastor of Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Kentucky, says his vision statement is, ‘Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten.’”

Living With Regrets – At the CCEF blog Ed Welch writes about living with regrets. “It feels so right – so spiritual – to live with regrets. It means you feel bad for the wrong things you have done or think you have done, and that sounds like a good thing. If you forget those wrongs, you are acting like they were no big deal.”

Sexual Detox – David writes an encouraging review of Sexual Detox. “Sexual Detox makes a thoroughly biblical theological attack on the poison that is pornography. In doing so, it strikes at the root of the problem: the sinful human heart.” Meanwhile, here is a great review of Don’t Call It a Comeback.

R.C. Sproul’s Position on Creation – In this article R.C. Sproul explains his position on Creation.

How to Provoke Your Children to Anger – Mark Altrogge offers up a list of ways that parents can sin against their children and provoke them to anger.

Questions about the Superbowl – Have I told you lately how much I enjoy what Carl Trueman writes? “As usual, the Superbowl generates more questions for me than answers. How did a game of one hour develop over time into a game of between three and four hours? Who ever decided that a bunch of predominantly overweight men who stand around doing little other than posing in spandex should come to be regarded as `elite athletes’ [sic]? (And, in my opinion, nobody over 200 pounds should even be allowed in a spandex shop, let alone be encouraged to wear the merchandise.”

What Used to Be Normal – A friend posted this video under the caption “Things That Seem Insane That Used To Be ‘Normal.’”

Anxiety is not only a pain which we must ask God to assuage but also a weakness we must ask him to pardon–for he’s told us to take no care for the morrow.

—C.S. Lewis

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