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A La Carte (2/1)

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Chandler on Suffering Well
Associated Press wrote an article about Matt Chandler and his battle with a brain tumor: “Chandler’s lanky 6-foot-5-inch frame rests on a table at Baylor University Medical Center. He wears the same kind of jeans he wears preaching to 6,000 people at The Village Church in suburban Flower Mound, where the 35-year-old pastor is a rising star of evangelical Christianity.”

Four Costs of Becoming a Christian
From the J.C. Ryle Quotes blog: “J.C. Ryle writes in his classic work Holiness that there are four things a person must be ready to give up if they wish to become a Christian. Beginning Monday February 1st, we will ponder Ryle’s short quotes regarding each particular cost.”

Al Mohler’s Study
Al Mohler has provided a video tour of his expansive personal library.

Keeping Faith in the White House
ABC writes about President Obama’s poor track record in going to church since becoming President. While it is easy to criticize him for that, it is interesting to read of the challenges he faces in just heading to church on a Sunday morning. “Security concerns mean costly and complicated measures to ensure the president’s safety on church outings, including screening every member of the congregation for weapons and sweeping the church building and areas around it for threats.”

Fight the Good Fight
I enjoyed this video which tells the story of Peter Kuzmic.

Deal of the Day: Religion Saves (Free!)
This month’s free book at ChristianAudio is Mark Driscoll’s Religion Saves. It is yours for the download.

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