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A La Carte (1/7)

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Church … Virtually
Leadership Journal writes about the new and growing phenomenon of virtual church. “Recently a number of churches have made the leap beyond multi-site and satellite campuses. They have launched internet campuses, making every living room, dorm room, or coffeehouse with wi-fi an extension of the church.”

Hume’s Gentle Faith
“Brit Hume’s comments on Fox News Sunday — ‘I don’t think that [Buddhism] offers the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith,” and, “My message to Tiger [Woods] would be: Tiger, turn to the Christian faith, and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world’ — have unleashed a torrent of criticism from the Left, including the various circus acts over at MSNBC and the Washington Post’s Tom Shales.”

Five Changes in the Way We Work
“I predict this year will be marked by five changes in the evolving relationship between those who work and those who pay to have work done. Most of these trends have been percolating for some time — many stemming back to the 1981 recession, and its then-startling lay-offs. The most recent recession accelerated and intensified the changing nature of the employee-employer relationship.”

Ad Fontes
This looks like an interesting project. “This site is designed to help small groups ‘return to the sources’ and study Reformed theology in a systematic way throughout 2010. We’ll be using John Calvin’s 1541 Institutes as our foundation. A pastor-scholar will introduce each chapter, draw connections to Scripture and the wider Reformed tradition, and point out specific issues for further discussion.”

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