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A La Carte (1/5)

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Euan Murray
This was good to read in an article about a sports star: “Euan said: ‘It’s basically all or nothing, following Jesus. I don’t believe in pick ‘n’ mix Christianity. I believe the bible is the word of God, so who am I to ignore something from it?’” He recently announced that he will no longer play games on Sunday. You can hear an interview with him at this link.

Voyage of the Dawn Treader
This article gives cause for concern in regards to the next Narnia movie. It seems that once again they’ve decided to excise most of the Christian content from the film. This series certainly isn’t living up to the promise of the first film.

Veith on Avatar
Veith writes about Avatar: “I went to see Avatar on New Year’s Day. It was just awful-ludicrously, unintentionally-comically awful. The story was insufferable, making a clumsy parallel with the War in Iraq, just as you commenters who saw it reported. James Cameron had the idea for this movie for years, we are told, and back then in his circles our conflict in Iraq was all about the evil President Bush and how we were just fighting the war over oil.”

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