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A La Carte (1/4)

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A Forgotten Text – Carl Trueman has an important reflection on Ephesians 5:12. “I wonder if there is a more neglected text in the New Testament in the current revival of interest in reformed theology than Eph. 5:12? In the reaction to the taboos of old-style fundamentalism, there is surely a danger that we have lost all sense of what is biblically appropriate when it comes to engaging the wider world.”

Too Close to the Lesson – In the contexts of new books by Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll, Paul has something valuable to say about the value of letting days or years pass between the time you learn a lesson and the time you apply it to others. Also, Aaron Armstrong takes a look at what I said about the gospel in Real Marriage and asks whether I was fair.

Buzzwords – Here are the top ten buzzwords of 2011. Stop using them.

The Questions They Are Asking – David has some helpful reflections on new research into the spiritual questions that unbelievers are asking.

The Joy of Quiet – “In barely one generation we’ve moved from exulting in the time-saving devices that have so expanded our lives to trying to get away from them — often in order to make more time. The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug. Like teenagers, we appear to have gone from knowing nothing about the world to knowing too much all but overnight.”

911 Call – This video is a couple of years old, but I just saw it yesterday. It’s a precocious little 5-year old girl talking to a 911 operator.

People tell me ‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’ I always tell them, ‘Twist not scripture lest ye be like Satan.’

—Paul Washer

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