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A La Carte (1/31)

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Say No to Ministry Porn – Darryl shares a definition of “porn” that applies equally to ministry as to sexuality. This kind of “ministry porn” draws in a lot of dissatisfied pastors and church planters: “an unrealistic depiction of something that doesn’t exist that robs you of what you already have that’s good and beautiful.”

Bad Charity – This article from TIME shows once again that not all aid sent to Africa is at all helpful. If that’s news to you, you need to read When Helping Hurts.

A Pocket Watch – There is some useful counsel in this article: Don’t treat your phone like a pocket watch. “According to a recent study published in the journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (pdf), humans look at their phones 34 times a day. That’s pulling a device out of a pocket or purse or off a conference table more than twice an hour.”

Women of Grace – I’ve mentioned our church’s “Women of Grace” conference a couple of times. If you’re planning to come, you should probably register today as the earlybird rate ends at midnight. There’s lots of detail at the link.

The Transformation of the Boy Scouts – Dr. Mohler writes about a sudden change of direction for the Boy Scouts. “The new policy to be adopted by the Boy Scouts of America represents a revolution in what that esteemed organization understands ‘morally straight’ to mean. We should not let that pass without taking notice of what that revolution will eventually bring about — nothing less than a reversal of what morality is understood to demand.”

Paperman – This is a great little animated film that was, not surprisingly, nominated for an Oscar. It uses “a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques.”

There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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