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A La Carte (1/31)

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I Am Not a Victim – I found this post a real joy to read: “By the world’s standards, I am disabled. Contrary to the stories I have told, I am not the victim of a shark attack or a vicious anaconda. I am not, in fact, a victim at all. I was formed this way. I was born before the days where ultrasounds were a part of standard care. My disability was a complete surprise to my parents, to the doctors, and to the entire small town where I was born.”

The Church in Great Britain – D.A. Carson heard what Mark Driscoll said recently about the church in Great Britain and offers a different take. “I have no reason to doubt Mark’s sincere concern for the gospel in the UK and for young ministers there. Nevertheless, you might be interested in hearing another perspective.”

The Elephant in the Room – Here’s a really important article from Voddie Baucham on The Elephant Room. Baucham discusses how he was invited to participate, why he said no, and why he was recently taken off the roster of speakers at a Harvest event.

Songwriter’s Glossary – Bobby Gilles has put together The Songwriter’s Glossary Of Poetic & Rhetorical Devices and he includes helpful examples from many hymns.

Coal – “Coal occupies a central position in modern human endeavors. Last year over 7000 megatons were mined worldwide. Powerful, yet dirty and dangerous, use of coal is expanding every year, with 2010 witnessing a production increase of 6.8%.” The Big Picture has a photo gallery.

Tennis – Here’s one for the tennis fan: highlights from the Australian Open and Andy Murray’s battle with Michael Llodra.

If God should justify a people and not sanctify them, he would justify a people whom he could not glorify.

—Thomas Watson

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