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A La Carte (1/30)

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Discerning the Conversion of a Child – Brian Croft provides wisdom on this always-tricky question: How do you know when your child is truly converted? He sticks close to Jonathan Edwards on this one.

What Is Essential to Being a Christian? – Speaking of Jonathan Edwards, here is Edwards on the essentials of the Christian faith. “Being a Christian doesn’t only mean that you assent to a certain set of doctrines. There are other equally important things that must be true. Jonathan Edwards explains…”

Pastors Conference – The Desiring God Pastors Conference begins today and you can watch it live online (free!) in 4 languages. It kicks off at 8:30 EST this evening.

Can You Choose to Be Gay? – Here’s an interesting conversation coming from within the gay community. “Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon says that she chooses to be gay. What does science say?” On either side the gay community has a lot to lose.

Everything About Learning – According to this article at WIRED, everything you thought you knew about learning is wrong.

Sin would have few takers if its consequences occurred immediately.

—T.W. Purkiser

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