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A La Carte (1/30)

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Last week I went to the eye doctor and then bought a new pair of glasses. Suddenly I can see things. And now I’m asking myself why exactly it was that I allowed myself to see poorly for the last 2 years. Or as comedian Brian Regan puts it, “How can instantly improved vision NOT be at the top of your to-do list?”

Art, Nakedness and Redemption – This is a very good article written by William VanDoodewaard and taking issue with Christians who feel that nudity in art is permissible and/or praiseworthy.

The Last Temptation of Ted – GQ has a long story about Ted Haggard. It’s a sad story of a man who just refuses to acknolwedge that he is unsuited for ministry and who is sliding further into the mess he has created. Note: the story gets a little bit graphic at times.

Egypt Explodes – Gene Veith asks a few useful questions about the current situation in Egypt.

Lincoln’s Other Mother – “Stepmother” can be a fraught phrase in the telling of childhood stories — one thinks of Cinderella and the well-named Brothers Grimm — yet it was a very good day for Lincoln when she came into his life. (HT:TW)

The Sexualization of Youth – This article from the Telegraph has some very insightful things to say about the increased sexualization of children. “So far the debate over the sexualisation of children has centred primarily on quantitative questions. Are our young people being exposed to too much sex? Does this exposure happen at too young of an age? … What I find interesting, however, is that by framing the debate solely in terms of the above questions, the discussion has excluded crucial qualitative distinctions we need to be making.”

Mass Defection – This seems like an inevitable outcome of the Church of England’s moral decline: “Hundreds of disillusioned Anglicans were preparing Sunday to defect from the Church of England to the Roman Catholic Church in time for Lent, Sky News reported.”

Deepak Chopra Gets Owned – One little comment exposes his folly.

I have never yet known the Spirit of God to work where the Lord’s people were divided.

—D.L. Moody

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