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A La Carte (1/30)

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40 Years of MacArthur
Congratulations to Grace Community Church and John MacArthur who together are celebrating MacArthur’s 40th anniversary of ministry at Grace. They have a weekend of special events ahead of them.

Dawn Treader Docks at Fox
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will go forward, having been picked up by Fox. They are targeting a holiday 2010 release.

Goodbye New Attitude, Hello NEXT
The New Attitude Conference has been renamed to NEXT. They have a great event planned for this May.

Win Bible Software
This site offers details of a giveaway of several Bible software packages.

With Al Due Respect, We’re Doomed
This article offers an interesting look at the reverence for Al Gore, especially among members of the government.

Liberals in Love
I enjoyed reading this interview with Bernard Goldberg, author of A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media. “This is not the same old, same old. They jumped the shark this time. They really took sides and they didn’t care who knew it. That’s different from anything that happened in the past.”

Undiscovered Sampler
Some free music (of varying quality) for you to download.

Ted Haggard’s Facebook
This is an interesting article from someone who knew Ted Haggard well. “I was hoping — against hope — that The Trials of Ted Haggard would document his walking into the light. It doesn’t. It captures his attempt to reenter the limelight.”

Mohler on Those Who Have Had an Abortion
Paul excerpts some powerful words from Dr. Mohler as he speaks to those who have had an abortion.

Mohler on Abortion Q&A
Here is a great Q&A session with Dr. Mohler as he answers questions about abortion (What about women who are raped? What about pregnancies where the mother’s life is at risk? Etc…).

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