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A La Carte (1/3)

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Real Marriage – Denny Burk has just published an excellent (and lengthy) review of Real Marriage. He goes into more detail than I did in both specific praises and criticisms. His pastoral concerns are particularly worth noting, I think.

Prompted by His Word – Josh Harris has a great little quote from Calvin.

Sexual Confusion and the Gospel – In a few weeks I will be speaking at a conference in Indiana. The conference title is “Sexual Confusion and the Gospel.” If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you there!

Technology and the KJV – Here is one take on the impact of technology on the Bible. “Now, as English-speaking Christians mark the 400th anniversary of the KJV’s birth in 1611, technology is once again dramatically changing the way the Bible is read and interacted with, changing the very way Christians interpret their faith.”

The Blog Format – Bloggers may be interested in this article which talks about the new version of HTML changing the whole blogging paradigm.

Of all commentaries upon the Scriptures, good examples are the best and the liveliest.

—John Donne

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