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A La Carte (1/3)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Happy new year to all of you who read this site (at least those of you who haven’t made a resolution to avoid it for 2011). I hope your holidays were fun and safe and healthy and relaxing and spiritually significant.

The Pursuit of Holiness – This month’s free book from ChristianAudio is The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. It’s a classic, so I’m sure you’ll want it for your collection.

Pictures from Space – Here’s a collection of amazing pictures taken by astronaut Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock.

Piper’s Leave of Absence – John Piper has returned from his leave of absence and has penned a report on his time away. It’s great to see how the Lord worked in him through the time his church gave him.

Busyness and Prayer – Joel Beeke answers this question: “You wear many hats: seminary president, publisher, author, pastor, husband, father, etc. Such a heavy load must make prayer a difficult thing to fit into your schedule. What has been your experience? And what counsel would you give to those who feel too busy to pray?”

The Year Tech Replaced Talk – This article from USA Today says that 2010 was the year that technology replaced talking. “Americans are connected at unprecedented levels — 93% now use cellphones or wireless devices; one-third of those are ‘smartphones’ that allow users to browse the Web and check e-mail, among other things. The benefits are obvious: checking messages on the road, staying in touch with friends and family, efficiently using time once spent waiting around.The downside: Often, we’re effectively disconnecting from those in the same room.”

Accordance for iOS – Here’s one for the Mac/iPhone users.

Returning a Gift Before It’s Sent – New technology from Amazon: “The founder of the online juggernaut, Jeff Bezos has taken out a patent on a new, let’s call it pre-return system. The patent plan suggests a way for people to return and to even exchange gifts before they leave the shelves. Amazon will even spare you the inevitable awkward conversation later by sending the gift-giver a thank-you note for the present you turned away.”

Happy Penguin – There’s something comical about this. Don’t we all feel like this guy sometimes?

Let us live as people who are prepared to die, and die as people who are prepared to live.

—James S. Stewart

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