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A La Carte (12/9)

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O Night Divine – You may enjoy reading the backstory to the world’s worst rendition of “O Holy Night.” You may also enjoy listening to it. Or not.

Better Christmas Music – For some better Christmas music, you may want to keep an eye on Nate Fancher’s site as he is going to be releasing some free Christmas songs over the next few days.

A Complementarian Junia – Denny Burk looks at Scot McKnight’s little book Junia Is Not Alone, a defense of egalitarianism.

An InterviewWomen Alive recently interviewed me about living in a high-tech world. If you’re interested, that interview has now been posted online (in written format).

Quiet Time in a Mother’s Life – This is a helpful article from The Briefing. “There are two things you can be sure of with motherhood (or life, really). The first is that God won’t change. The second is that everything else will. Just when you think you’ve found the one, true solution – the cure for sleepless nights, or disorganization, or prayerlessness – circumstances shift sideways.”

The People Who Hate Tebow – Columnist Chuck Klosterman has written a really interesting article trying to figure out Tim Tebow. I agree with Denny Burk who writes, “I don’t think that Tebow’s defiance of the odds in football games is what’s the most remarkable thing about him. What’s remarkable is that he behaves like a regenerate person in the midst of a professional culture that revels in debauchery. Having said that, it is wrong to interpret Tebow’s victories on the field as the reward for his behavior. That could all change at any moment.”

The sinner, apart from grace, is unable to be willing and unwilling to be able.

—W.E. Best

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