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A La Carte (1/28)

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Faith in Crisis – You’ll have to be sure to read all the way to the end of this article from Iain Campbell. He begins by reflecting on how depressing the news has been lately, and then searches for hope. It will start your week in just the right way.

No Better Critics – “I’m a female veteran. I deployed to Anbar Province, Iraq. When I was active duty, I was 5’6, 130 pounds, and scored nearly perfect on my PFTs. I naturally have a lot more upper body strength than the average woman: not only can I do pull-ups, I can meet the male standard. I would love to have been in the infantry. And I still think it will be an unmitigated disaster to incorporate women into combat roles. I am not interested in risking men’s lives so I can live my selfish dream.” (Meanwhile, Joe Carter has an excellent FAQ on the issue.)

Better than Gun Control – Clint Archer writes about some of the realities of life in South Africa. “South Africa is the violent crime capital of the world. It’s nice to be known for something other than Apartheid. Indiscriminate rape, murder, and armed robbery may actually be a step in a better direction.”

13 Reasons – “Fear is like the monster under my kids’ beds — its power is fueled not by what’s really there, but by what might be, what we imagine could be. Fear is a hollow darkness in the future that reaches back through time to rob our joy now by belittling the sovereign goodness of God.” In a letter to his church, John Piper gives 13 reasons Christians do not need to be afraid.

Galaxy M74 – When you see art like this, you are a fool to fail to acknowledge the artist.

Eternity will be too short fully to recount His praise. Let us not shorten our joy by neglecting to begin on earth.

—Henry Law

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