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A La Carte (12/8)

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Feminism Gone Wrong – Denny Burk shares a sad tale of feminism gone wrong and applies some of the lessons learned. “There is a price to pay when one trades her birthright for a mess of pottage. The trap of feminism is that so few modern people can see it for the mess of pottage that it is. Even Wurtzel misses it, though she feels deeply the pain of it.”

Preaching the Gospel from Every Part of the Bible – This is an excellent article on how every part of the Bible can be used to preach the gospel.

Women of Grace – If you are within striking distance of Toronto, you may be interested in knowing about the Women of Grace conference my church is hosting this April. We’ll feature Mary Kassian and Linda Baartse as keynote speakers. Earlybird registration lasts until the end of January.

Genocide in Shades of Pink – “What if every female in America suddenly disappeared? It would feel a lot like Asia, where sex-selective abortion has taken 163 million girls. How the gospel is slowly turning the tide on the quiet holocaust.”

Grudem on Bourne – Andy Naselli shares Wayne Grudem’s take on the Jason Bourne series of movies.

CBMW Announces New Executive Director – This is great news for the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood. “The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood is delighted to announce today that Professor Owen Strachan (pronounced: “Stran”) has accepted the position of the Executive Director of CBMW. Strachan, 31, succeeds Dr. Randy Stinson in this important role.”

Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave it with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.

—C.S. Lewis

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