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A La Carte (12/8)

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Yesterday was the first day in 8 or 9 years that I spent a work day in an office away from home. This new role at my church will be keeping me out of the house at least a couple of days a week. I have to say that I quite liked it, though it’s going to take a little bit of getting used to.

Trusting God – Jerry Bridges’ Trusting God is free for Kindle for the next few days.

Friday Five – Daniel Darling recently did a short interview with me for his Friday Five series. Give it a read if you’re interested…

Narnia Invaded – Touchstone writes about the Narnia movies: “Many Christians are very excited about these developments, believing (quite rightly) that Lewis’s stories are shot through with deeply Christian imaginative themes. What can be wrong with disseminating the stories more widely in this way? The answer is: Absolutely nothing—so long as it really is Lewis’s stories being disseminated. But there’s the rub. A thoughtful investigation suggests that the Narnia films are very far from being a faithful representation of Lewis’s own Christian vision of reality.”

Pearl Harbor – It was 69 years ago yesterday that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The Big Picture has a roundup of some classic photos from the day.

Temporary – Mike Wittmer on the tax compromise. “Here’s the lesson: temporary is a big first step toward permanent. Say that your controversial move is only temporary and you’re three quarters of the way there.” There are spiritual lessons here as well.

Google eBooks – Google eBooks has arrived. “The wait is finally over. Google Editions, now dubbed Google eBooks, launched yesterday after months (years?) of anticipation, boasting agreements with over 4,000 publishers—offering about 3 million free and for-sale titles—the venture is very likely to give Amazon and the Kindle a run for leadership in the fast-growing, fast changing, e-book market.”

200 Countries, 200 Years – This is an amazing little presentation that shows how health and wealth have increased over the past 200 years.

Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.

—Samuel Chadwick

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