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A La Carte (12/6)

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Why We Need Jesus – Michael Horton has an article in the December issue of Christianity Today. He says that reason and morality cannot show us a good and gracious God. For that, we need the Incarnation.

Lovers on the Edges of the Twilight – My friend Michael Krahn has just released a great little EP titled Lovers on the Edges of the Twilight. It’s nothing to do with the Twilight books, in case you’re concerned. It really reminds me of the music of Jim Cuddy (you may need to be Canadian to know who that is).

Xmas – Every year I link to this article to encourage everyone to just calm down about xmas.

Stop Submitting to Men – Russell Moore: “Those of us who hold to so-called “traditional gender roles” are often assumed to believe that women should submit to men. This isn’t true. Indeed, a primary problem in our culture and in our churches isn’t that women aren’t submissive enough to men, but instead that they are far too submissive.”

Does Antiporn = Anti-sex? – Does antiporn = anti-sex? That’s the question asked by this article at the Covenant Eyes blog.

Shopping Prank – I bet this video makes you LOL.

Heaven will not fully be heaven to Christ till he has his redeemed with himself.

—A.W. Pink

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