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A La Carte (1/25)

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Nagging in Marriage – From the WSJ: “It’s more common than adultery and potentially as toxic, so why is it so hard to stop nagging?” I’m always fascinated by articles like this that diagnose and attempt to cure sin but without reference to anything spiritual.

Tainted Saint – “The death of journalist and polemicist Christopher Hitchens last month gave those familiar with his work a chance to revisit one of his more controversial subjects: the Albanian nun Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, better known to the world as Mother Teresa.” This article explains how her path to sainthood has run into the Roman Catholic sex scandals.

Hymn to God the Father – Denny Burk shares a musical adaptation of a favorite poem by John Donne.

James MacDonald and TGC – James MacDonald explains why he has resigned from The Gospel Coalition.

60 Hours Per Minute – YouTube has just released this amazing statistic: Every second its users upload one hour of video. 60 hours per minute. That is just astounding.

United Bases of America – Here’s an infographic that displays American military presence across the world.

8 Profitable Ways to Read the Bible – Here is some old but timeless wisdom from J.C. Ryle on reading the Bible.

And finally, a quote that could almost (almost!) be from the book of Proverbs:

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

—Winston Churchill

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