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A La Carte (12/28)

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The Year Gone By – I think I’m going to do this before the year is through. “Christmas night after all the day’s festivities were over, I took a few minutes to write down a list of things I could remember from this past year. Most were obvious blessings. Some were trials that God turned to blessings. Some were big things, some small. Some were joyous, some were hard.”

Church on Christmas Morning – I enjoyed this article. Though written by an unbeliever, it shares an interesting perspective on going to church at Christmas. It’s a strange combination of condescending and encouraging. “I was moved by the sincerity and elegance of the event, and especially by the warm welcome. I could see how churchgoing plays such an important role in American life and realized, as I have often thought, had I married someone who was a practicing Christian how I could easily fit into a family pattern of going to services.”

Christian Focus 4 Kids – The publisher Christian Focus has a new blog meant for kids. They are offering some good deals on some of their kids’ books.

Why Read With a Plan – This is a helpful article from Dan Phillips: “All sorts of blogs are pointing you to reading plans. Let me help by leaning on and applying some why pressure, along with the what.”

The Year in Pictures – This was posted a few days ago, but I forgot to mention it. So here it is: Part 3 of the year in pictures from The Big Picture.

If you haven’t been jarred when you’re reading the Bible, you’re not reading it.

—John Piper

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