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A La Carte (12/24)

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Christianity Is Close to Extinction – According to this report, Christianity is nearing extinction in the Middle East. “The most common threat to Christians abroad is militant Islam, it says, claiming that oppression in Muslim countries is often ignored because of a fear that criticism will be seen as ‘racism’.”

Touch Not the Lord’s Annointed – Conrad Mbewe writes about the phrase “touch not the Lord’s annointed,” saying that “if there has been a phrase in the Bible that has been recently tortured until it confesses a lie,” it is this one.

A Letter from R.A. Dickey – You’ll have to allow me a baseball moment here. R.A. Dickey was recently traded to the Toronto Blue Jays and after that happened he wrote this letter to his fans in New York City. I’m looking forward to having him here in Toronto!

The Best History Books of 2012 – Here’s one list of the best history books of 2012. The Passage of Power seems to be atop every list I’ve seen; I may need to get it, but would first want to read the three volumes that precede it. And that seems like rather a tall order…

Sentimentalize, Sanitize, Spiritualize – Bob Kauflin: “The miracle and meaning of the Incarnation can be so difficult to grasp that we can settle for substitutes that leave us impoverished and unimpressed with the real story of Christmas. Even as we lead the church in song, we can present Christmas in a way that fails to leave people gasping in amazement or humbled in awe.”

Gabriel’s Message – I’ve enjoyed Deni Gauthier’s rendition of “Gabriel’s Message.”

The mightiest prayers are often those drenched with the Word of God.

—Herbert Lockyer

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