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A La Carte (12/23)

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House sitters are in place. The dog has been taken to a kennel. The van is all gassed up. And we are on our way to Chattanooga, Tennessee to spend Christmas with my family. We made half the drive last night, getting as far as Dayton, Ohio. We’ve got 412 miles to go.

Here is an all-video A La Carte for you (just to be different):

Advancing the Gospel – I really appreciate the work done by Frontline Missions. Be sure to watch their new video introduction.

Australia – A friend sent me this–a little song telling you why you may want to visit Australia.

The Incarnation – Here is Odd Thomas with an excellent little spoken word piece all about the Incarnation.

Hallelujah Chorus – Here’s a fun version of the Hallelujah Chorus, done by Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat 5th Grade class in Quinhagak, Alaska. I bet you can’t pronounce most of that…

Christmas in a Nutshell – This is a good video.

Let us never forget that the message of the Bible is addressed primarily to the mind, to the understanding.

—D. Martyn Lloyd Jones

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