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A La Carte (1/22)

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Tuesday January 22, 2008

Roe v Wade 35 Years Later
Justin Taylor interviews Robert P. George, the author of “Embryo: A Defense of Human Life.”

I Was Adopted, Not Aborted
Carolyn McCulley writes that “in the 35 years since Roe v. Wade, a generation has come to maturity who can speak to the loss from the other side.” She has an interesting interview.

The Christian Manifesto Review of My Book
“There are very few books on the market that talk about or attempt to define spiritual discernment. This book helps to fill that void.”

Everything Hasn’t Changed
So says John Wilson, editor of Books & Culture at “Christianity Today” in his review of Brian McLaren’s latest book.

Pray Without Ceasing
John MacArthur explains what it means to pray without ceasing.

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