The Country Parson
Tim Keller: “Young pastors or seminarians often ask me for advice on what kind of early ministry experience to seek in order to best grow in skill and wisdom as a pastor. They often are surprised when I tell them to consider being a ‘country parson’ — namely, the solo pastor of a small church, many or most of which are in non-urban settings. Let me quickly emphasize the word ‘consider.’ I would never insist that everyone must follow this path. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about. It was great for me.”
Free Audio Book
This month’s free audio book at ChristianAudio is The Brothers Karamazov. You and I both know you’d never read it, so why not download it and listen to it?
Google Zeitgeist 2009
Google maintains its annual tradition of releasing the year’s Zietgeist report. “Another year has come and gone, and as always, we’re taking a moment to look back at the happenings of 2009–the people, events and memories that made this year unique. Each year, we examine the billions of queries that people around the world have typed into Google search to discover the zeitgeist–the spirit of the times. As we welcome the new year, we hope you enjoy this glimpse at the past.”
WORLD has a profile on J.I. Packer. They break the news that in the future Packer may release a systematic theology.
NEXT 2010
NEXT has just released information about their 2010 conference (including the speaker list which, as always, is excellent).