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A La Carte (12/16)

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Christopher Hitchens Has Died – Douglas Wilson has a must-read obituary. “Christopher knew that faithful Christians believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and after that the Judgment. He knew that we believe what Jesus taught about the reality of damnation. He also knew that we believe—for I told him—that in this life, the door of repentance is always open. A wise Puritan once noted what we learn from the last-minute conversion of the thief on the cross—one, that no one might despair, but only one, that no one might presume.”

R.C. Sproul on John – Ligonier has the hardcover edition of R.C. Sproul’s commentary on John at just $5, today only (beginning at 8 AM). I do believe you can use the coupon code STORE15 to save another 15%.

5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way – “Years ago my wife surprised me with a direct question about my use of pornography. What followed that question is known in our marriage as ‘The Confession.’ The brutal truth of my long addiction came to light and a long, painful journey of healing began. As God has brought healing into my life, there are five key lessons I have learned, and each one has been crucial to my freedom.”

NeuYear – Yesterday we drew the winners of the NewYear calendar. For those who didn’t win, here is a coupon code that will save you 20% if you’d like to order one. Just use CHALLIES.

Homelessness – This is a really moving photo essay of homelessness around the world.

How We Googled – Google has their annual Zeitgeist, telling us what we googled in 2011. It’s a fascinating reflection of us. All of us.

In the order of creation, pleasures are meant to serve as pointers to God.

—J.I. Packer

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