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A La Carte (12/12)

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Tullian Keeps Digging – David Murray writes about some of his growing concerns with the recent writings of Tullian Tchividjian. I share those concerns and am grateful that David wrote about them carefully and charitably. Note that you can scroll down and read at least one response from Tullian.

Tidings of Comfort and Joy – R.C. Sproul Jr. has an article about life in a fishbowl. “For more than a year now I have found myself living in an increasingly glaring spotlight not just because of whom my father is (he is, among other things, a man that would want me to know to use ‘whom’ there, rather than ‘who’) but because of the hard providences sent by my heavenly Father.”

An Interview with John Piper – Mark Driscoll recently asked John Piper a series of really helpful questions. It is an interview well worth reading.

Ten Commandments Go Digital – Cambridge University Library is to release digital versions of some of the most significant religious manuscripts in the world – following on from last year’s release of Isaac Newton’s manuscripts and notebooks.

Newsweek vs the New Testament – “Timed for this Christmas, Newsweek just released a cover essay by Bart D. Ehrman, who is well-known for his belief that the New Testament is largely historical fiction. ‘Who is Jesus?’ is the question on the cover. ‘The Myths of Jesus’ is the headline on the essay itself.” Dr. Mohler points out where the article is inaccurate.

If you do not listen to theology, that will not mean you have no ideas about God, rather it will mean you have a lot of wrong ones.

—C.S. Lewis

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