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A La Carte (12/12)

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Writing a Good Sympathy Card – Here’s one to bookmark for when you need it: “Since my mother’s death, two years ago this past Saturday, I have radically altered the way I write in sympathy cards. I now know more fully the pain that death brings into our lives and, having received so many impacting words of comfort from others, am convinced I will never write in a card the same way I did before.”

The Ardent Sparrow – My friend Becky has opened her jewelry store (by popular demand!) and is offering some great Christmas gift ideas. Guys, be sure to check out the ring of the month or studs of the month clubs. There are several gifts there that don’t require shipping, which means you’re guaranteed to have them by Christmas.

Heaven & Hell – Greg Koukl discusses those who claim to have visited heaven or hell. I appreciate how he goes right to the issue of authority (and does so tactfully).

NYC Churches – “‘Don’t Leave Our Church Homeless’ read the signs distributed during Thursday’s press conference outside New York City Hall. More than 60 churches in New York meet in public schools for their Sunday services. When the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear their appeal this week, the churches learned they will need to find a new location before February 12.”

God, in mercy, will never allow children of his to be comfortable in sin.

—Will Metzger

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