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A La Carte (12/09)

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Friday December 9, 2005

Narnia: Rotten Tomatoes is collecting reviews of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Reviews are a bit mixed. I’ll be catching the earliest show available this morning (11:45).

Du Jour: Tim Irvin reflects on this world not being his home. “There’s nothing like living in the cab of a big truck for five weeks to give you a new perspective on things.”

Emergent: Where will Emergent go next? Uh oh. I wish I could say that I hadn’t seen this coming.

Blogspotting: Commenting on “Doors Closed on Christmas,” Kristina of The Daily asks, “What happened to church being about the edification and fellowship with other Christians?”

Persecution: From the Voice of the Martyrs: IRAN: A martyr’s story. “On November 22nd, a house church pastor in Iran was kidnapped. Hours later his tortured body was thrown in front of him home. Police then came and searched the home, confiscating Christian literature and other Christian materials.” (HT: The High Places)

Humor: I don’t know who won the Harvard-Yale game on November 20, 2004, but Yale scored big!

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