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A La Carte (1/2)

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No Change at All – Joe Thorn takes a slightly different position at the beginning of a new year. “But for all of the change I do desire, my greatest hope for 2013 is actually no change at all.”

10,000 Things – John Piper: “‘God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.’ That was one of our most widely spread tweets in 2012. So we want to say it again for 2013 and make this promise even more solid.”

Praying for Evangelists (And Being a Better One) – Thabiti Anyabwile on evangelism: “I suspect we all perform better when we have people spurring us on and when we have some definite sense of what we’re trying to achieve. An evangelist without a plan is not an evangelist at all, to modify Nietzsche.”

Why Lewis Didn’t Write for CT – “I wish your project heartily well,” wrote C.S. Lewis to Christianity Today, “but can’t write you articles.” Carl F.H. Henry, founding editor of the magazine, had invited Lewis in 1955 to contribute to the magazine’s first issue. Lewis declined.

It is a sad thing to be Christians at a supper, heathens in our shops, and devils in our closets.

—Stephen Charnock

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