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A La Carte (1/19)

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Mrs. Blackburn – After writing about preaching ordinary sermons, I received a link to this article which carries on the theme quite nicely. It is a tribute to a very ordinary Sunday school teacher who left an indelible mark.

The Chicken of the Sea – Dr. Mohler has written a wonderful article about the sinking of the cruise ship Costa Concordia and the actions of its cowardly captain. Mohler compares this captain to the captain of another vessel that sank years ago. While we are on the subject, The Big Picture has a photo gallery of the ship and the efforts to rescue its passengers.

Mercy Teams – I really appreciated Ali’s perspective on the value of short-term missions teams. “And you know what? It wouldn’t matter if these guys and girls never even talk to a single Togolese person while they’re here. They’ve blessed and encouraged and strengthened those of us who will be here for the long haul. We’ll go into this Field Service energized by their energy, more ready than ever to pour out our lives for the people here in West Africa.”

Of Straw Men and Shameful Speech – I think this is a conversation the church needs to have and I am looking forward to seeing how it progresses. “Here are the main arguments I continue to hear played over and over for why the church ought to regularly engage in sexually explicit dialogue with Christian married couples…”

Making Necessary Distinctions – Michael Horton has put together an important article on discernment and the necessity of making theological distinctions.

The Day the Internet Went Dark – It was interesting to see the SOPA protests in action yesterday. This page gives you some information about what happened and who participated.

God writes with a pen that never blots, speaks with a tongue that never slips, acts with a hand that never fails.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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