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A La Carte (11/8)

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Unemployment – The Guardian has an interesting (and revealing) article about the true picture of U.S. unemployment. “US unemployment data is set to show the jobless rate steady at 9.1% – but a broader analysis puts the true rate at 16.5%.”

The Passion of Gaga – “Lady Gaga is not just a stage name; it’s an alter ego, a tool the 25-year-old uses as she masters the art of fame. While she claims music is her first passion and eccentric style her vehicle for expression, consistency in playing the part enables her to continuously shock the world.”

Turning Inward – “Tithing to mainline churches has reached its lowest level in at least 41 years. Of the smaller amount churches are receiving, a smaller proportion of church funds is serving the needy outside the congregation. These are two of the findings from an analysis of mainline churches’ tithing and giving patterns from 1968 to 2009 by Empty Tomb, Inc.”

Commuting Cost – Here’s an infographic that attempts to tabulate the true cost of commuting. The numbers may be a bit of a stretch, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

No man is worse for knowing the worst of himself.

—Henry G. Bohn

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