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A La Carte (1/18)

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Yesterday Aileen and I went shopping to buy me a new coat (such are the fascinating things we do when we date). Here are a few of the things you would have heard over the course of that time had you been following us: “That looks like something Josh would wear” (people who go to my church will get that one), “You’re not cool enough to wear that,” “That looks like a coat Driscoll would wear,” “Who exactly do you think I am?” and “I think your grandfather had that one.” It was humbling. But eventually we found something.

Two Spaces After a Period – Slate has an article telling you why you really need to stop adding that second space after a period. I had to unlearn this habit (after being taught to type on a typewriter where there was more reason for the extra space).

Don’t Give Up – Amy’s blog remains one of my all-time favorites because of posts like this one.

The Internet in 2010 – This web site gives some interesting numbers about the Web. For example, there were 107 trillion emails sent last year, there were 152 million blogs in operation and 1.97 billion Internet users.

Inspired by Ted Williams – A buddy of mine has been (tongue-in-cheek) inspired by Ted Williams in his job search.

The Family, in Perspective – A good little article from Jim Elliff on just how few verses there are in the NT dealing with family life. “So, what is the point of my mentioning the scarcity of verses on family life? It is for this reason: to point out that the way to be a good husband and father and a good wife and mother, or a good child—to actually please God in this—is more about being a conscientious follower of Christ in general than about any specific code of behavior related to the family itself.”

Does More Info Mean We Know Less? – BBC asks the question. “The obsession with current events is relentless. We are made to feel that at any point, somewhere on the globe, something may occur to sweep away old certainties. Something that if we failed to learn about it instantaneously, could leave us wholly unable to comprehend ourselves or our fellow human beings.”

Haggard and Real Shame – Carl Trueman discusses Ted Haggard’s new show as only Carl Trueman can. “It is, of course, great that Ted Haggard’s family seems to have survived intact, despite all that he inflicted on his wife and children. But I am left wondering if there is any shame or sense of basic decency left in this world; and are there no limits to the American ‘If you’ve got lemons, make lemonade’ mentality?”

How to Build Your Own Airplane – Advice from Canadian comedia Red Green.

I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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