Meet Thabiti Anyabwile
C.J. Mahaney continues his interview series by talking to Thabiti Anyabwile, the most famous preacher in all of Grand Cayman.
Scot McKnight on the NeoReformed
“I have been using the term “NeoReformed” now for a year or two and a few of my friends have asked me what I mean and why I don’t just calls such folks “Reformed”. This post will sketch who they are and why I call them “Neo” Reformed.”
Taking Apart the $819 Billion
This graphic helps make sense of all that money. Sometimes it is awfully useful to see such things.
Walking Out on the Speaker
Andy Unedited writes about something I’ve observed as well. “It used to be that once people arrived at a session, they stayed till the end. There was none of this meandering in and out. To leave would be “walking out on the speaker”–a kind of protest or sign of disagreement with what was being said. Staying in your seat was a matter of respect for the presenter and a courtesy to the other attendees. Those quaint, formal days, my friends, are over.”
Down with Old Books
The Point had an interesting link to something I’m sure most people overlooked. “A recent law has troubling implications for children’s books published before 1985, among other things.”