Free To Say We’ve Sinned – “When you hide your sin, pretending to be a perfect Christian, you’re actually telling the world that God is a liar. Did Jesus, or did Jesus not, need to suffer and die for your present sins? When you feign perfection, you’re saying you didn’t need Him to do this for you.”
America’s Media Guzzling Ways – “A new report on media consumption in the United States demonstrates the incredible scale of media available to us — while also confirming TV’s continued prominence.”
Banner of Truth – Banner of the Truth has a big Christmas sale going on where they’ve discounted some great books.
What That Empty Seat Says – “We’ve all done it. We shuffle down a row of chairs and, just before we arrive at a person, we stop one chair short. We leave an empty seat between us and the other person, secretly hoping an usher won’t ask us to ‘scoot in.’ What does that empty seat say? Why are we compelled to leave that ‘safe seat’ between us and others?”
Who Cares About Motives – “Human beings have a complex inner life of motives and intentions. If we ignore them, we won’t understand people. But sometimes—we just don’t care about people’s motives.”