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A La Carte (11/7)

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Extreme Couponing – “For obvious reasons, the idea that you can snag hundreds of dollars worth of groceries for next to nothing has become exceptionally popular with today’s debt-ridden, budget-strapped masses. But does the ‘extreme couponing’ popularized on TV actually pay off?” TIME says it does not.

Lessons from the Election – There are tens of thousands of articles wrapping up the results of last night’s election. A good place to start will be with Al Mohler’s “Aftermath: Lessons from the 2012 Election.” You may also want to listen to this morning’s episode of The Briefing.

From Me Yesterday – Collin Hansen’s letter from himself, written before the election, is very helpful.

A Gospeled Man – “The godly man is a gospeled man. He has seen who he is in Christ, he is moved by what God has done for him in Christ. If I don’t get this part, all the rest will just be a self-salvation project, an exercise in self-righteousness.”

Controversy and Interpretation – Matthew Anderson’s look at Rachel Held Evans’ new book is long and maybe a little bit meandering at times, but he draws out some interesting points.

I have never once feared the devil, but I tremble every time I enter the pulpit.

—John Knox

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