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A La Carte (1/17)

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I checked in with Twitter this morning and saw a few mentions of the fact that today is my 3,000th consecutive day of blogging. What’s funny to me is that I had no idea. But that little counter at the bottom right of the page just kept incrementing and I guess a few people noticed. I’ll have to wear a party hat all day today, I suppose.

A No-Win Scenario – Mounce talks about some of those verses that simply cannot be translated well (at least not if you care about trying to make things sound less than awkward).

The Worst Passwords – Forbes has a list of the 25 worst passwords of 2011. Take a look at the list and if you use any of those passwords, change them right away!

On Media and Messages – Carl Trueman brings out some good thoughts about reductionism here. I’m not sure that I agree with him all the way, though. I find that there is a lot of value in trying to take a complex idea and compress it down to 140 characters. That certainly isn’t then sufficient, but it helps you sharpen your own understanding (similar to the way teaching a concept to a child forces you to understand it better).

CT and Spanking – Denny Burk writes about the editors of Christianity Today and their new stance on spanking. Regardless of what you believe about spanking, this is an important issue because of the hermenuetical implications. “The CT editorial relies almost entirely on William Webb’s trajectory hermeneutic—a way of interpreting the Bible that says modern readers sometimes need to move beyond the ethical instruction of scripture to an ethic that supercedes it.”

Empty Praise – Well here’s a shocker: “For decades, the prevailing wisdom in education was that high self-esteem would lead to high achievement. The theory led to an avalanche of daily affirmations, awards ceremonies and attendance certificates — but few, if any, academic gains.”

The Phone Stack – I love this idea! “We usually take a pretty hard line against phones at dinner, but a new trick just popped up that gives us hope for the future. It’s called a phone stack, and it’s a buzzing, flashing reminder of every phone-etiquette rule the world seems to have forgotten.” (HT)

Christianity is no more a bondage to men than wings are to birds.

—O. Palmer Robertson

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