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A La Carte (11/5)

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Multiple Perspectives on Multi-Site Churches
A panel at Southern Seminary discussed this topic. The participants are R. Albert Mohler Jr., Gregg Allison, Kevin Ezell, Greg Gilbert, and Daniel Montgomery.

The Day I Went to Church
I enjoyed this article simply for the perspective it offers on a person’s first strange and perhaps terrifying attempt at going to church. It is good to remember how foreign church is to people who are not accustomed to it.

Stand By Me
This is a cool little video. The producers went around the world and recorded the song as performed by an international contingent of people.

Guardian Angels
Randy Alcorn addresses this question: Do you believe in guardian angels? He answers in the affirmative.

The Case for Modesty
This article in TIME has a few good things to say about modesty and humility. “Virtues, like viruses, have their seasons of contagion. When catastrophe strikes, generosity spikes like a fever. Courage spreads in the face of tyranny. But some virtues go dormant for generations, as we’ve seen with thrift, making its comeback after 40 years in cold storage. I’m hoping for a sudden outbreak of modesty, a virtue whose time has surely come.

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