The Scandal of Preaching – “By now it is old news that we live in a world marked by postmodernity. In such a world, truth is not something that is outside ourselves, but something that is self-determined. Each of us constructs our own private, personal realities. What’s ‘true’ for you is not ‘true’ for me.” Michael Kruger shows how preaching will uniquely reach this generation.
Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower – “Just seven years ago, if someone had told me that I’d be writing for Christianity Today magazine about how I came to believe in God, I would have laughed out loud. If there was one thing in which I was completely secure, it was that I would never adhere to any religion—especially to evangelical Christianity, which I held in particular contempt.”
An Evangelical Orphan Lover – “Sometimes I am bewildered. In the past number of weeks, I have read a number of articles that seem to be distinctly anti-adoption. Have you sensed this too?” Amy declares herself an Evangelical orphan lover, even in the midst of all that criticism.
GoThereFor – Tony Payne of Matthias Media introduces a new web site and a new effort. This looks like a site worth bookmarking. Here is a new article at the site that lays down a great challenge for pastors.
An Interview on Technology – I was recently interviewed for the Christian Music Blog podcast and mention it because I want to offer a writing topic for someone to take on: What makes some music excellent for congregational singing? How do we define “congregational?” What makes a song easy to sing?
5 Reasons to Write in Your Books – Here are five good reasons to write in your books.