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A La Carte (11/30)

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Christians Are Not Totally Depraved – Where the blogosphere is often at its best is in kind interaction about controversial ideas. Here Rick Phillips responds to Tullian Tchividjian who says that total depravity describes Christians as much as unbelievers. Phillips disagrees and thanks God that it is not true.

A Day in the Life – I thoroughly enjoyed reading Joel Beeke’s “A Day in the Life” blog post.

National Geographic Photo Contest – There are some stunning photos in this collection.

Kosher JesusThe Atlantic has a long article about Messianic Jews in Israel. Sarah Posner goes “inside the small community of Christ-following Jews who’ve allied with American evangelicals to redeem Israel … from its Jewishness.”

Cheetahs on the Edge – This video may go on a little bit long, but it’s just amazing. It uses high-definition, 1200-frame per second cameras to show Cheetah’s running. Be sure to keep an eye on the clock in the upper-left of the screen during the first couple of minutes to see how little time is actually elapsing.

We spend our years with sighing; it is a valley of tears; but death is the funeral of all our sorrows.

—Thomas Adams

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