Which Greek Text?
William Mounce gives his feedback on which text of the Greek Scriptures is the best.
Seminaries and Economies
Collin Hansen writes about some of the seminaries that are feeling the effects of the economic downturn. “About 20 percent of all seminaries unrelated to a college or university operated with deficit budgets three of the last five years, according to ATS spokeswoman Eliza Smith Brown. These schools had less than one year of operating expenses in reserve.”
Gay Bishop to Open Inaugural Weekend
“The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, who was elected the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in 2003, will deliver the invocation for Sunday’s kickoff inaugural event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Presidential Inaugural Committee said.”
Save $419.50 in an Hour
The Motley fool explains how.
Deal of the Day: Lecrae (link fixed)
Lecrae’s Rebel was one of my favorite albums of 2008. You can get it now at Amazon for a mere $5 (in downloadable format). Be sure to check it out!