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A La Carte (11/29)

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The Unlucky Winners – We all know that money can’t buy happiness…and yet the lottery promises that very thing. TIME looks at a long list of unlucky winners, showing how the lottery changed their lives. Divorce, drugs, suicide…it’s all here in the aftermath of winning millions.

Forgive Us Our Debts – Shane Rosenthal looks at America’s perilous financial situation (which is far, far worse than most politicians are willing to admit) and says that it provides an apt illustration for humanity’s spiritual condition.

How To Read the Bible (And How Not To) – Ray Ortlund reflects on law and gospel within the Bible.

Challenge the Tolerant – I may have linked to something like this before, but I think it’s worth sharing again. Greg Koukl gives a helpful suggestion about engaging with people who promote tolerance in all things.

There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write ‘damnation’ with your fingers.

—Charles Spurgeon

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