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A La Carte (11/29)

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I hope and trust that you enjoyed your weekend. I’m glad to report that it was a good one for the Challies family. It was quiet and mostly-unremarkable–just the way we like it.

Cyber Monday – I have put together a roundup of Cyber Monday deals (and it’s being continually updated). Check the link for some good deals.

Who Needs Marriage? – You may have heard the results of the latest study which showed that marriage is increasingly seen as being completely irrelevant. Dr. Mohler looks at the study and asks if you’ve got answers to the marriage questions.

New from Indelible Grace – The new Indelible Grace album releases today. It’s a live album titled The Indelible Grace Hymn SIng: Live In Nashville.

John from R.C. Sproul – R.C. Sproul’s commentary on John is available for free on Kindle, today only.

Wrestling with an Angel – Here’s a nice review of Greg Lucas’ Wrestling with an Angel. It’s a book I’ve enjoyed, one I’ve given to unsaved neighbors, and one I’ve read aloud to my family. This reviewer says pretty much the same: “Wrestling With An Angel is a Christmas gift to the Church. The Body of Christ needs these stories of grace. When you order your copy, go ahead and order multiple copies (there are bulk discounts) because you, like me and my wife, will be giving this book to others.”

The Grace of God – Michael Oh wrote a touching article for Desiring God titled “The Grace of God in Our Circumstances.” “If you have the ability to eat three times per day and have shelter over your head, you are better off than many people in the world. If you earn $25,000 per year, you are the richest 10% of the world. You are rich. In fact if you earn $2,200 per year you are the richest 15% of the world.”

Bowen’s Heart – You may have heard about the medical problems experienced by Bowen Hammitt, son of Matt Hammitt (who leads the band Sanctus Real). He and his family were recently featured on ABC World News. You can read about Bowen and watch the news report here.

Hate, like love, picks up every shred of evidence to justify itself.

—Os Guinness

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

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