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A La Carte (11/28)

A La Carte Collection cover image

All I Have Is Christ – Desiring God is hosting a free download of the song “All I Have Is Christ.” The recording comes from the most recent Together for the Gospel conference.

Edwarda O’Bara – This is an amazing story: “A woman who lived in a coma for 42 years, meticulously cared for by her family, died Wednesday in her home in Miami Gardens, Fla., the Miami Herald reported.” It is a real testimony to love and loyalty.

Re-Evangelizing New England – Slate looks at how church-planting and music festivals are bringing about a quiet revival in New England.

A Visible, Exemplary Life – “As I mentor and coach leaders in North American churches, I find a common theme among many pastors: They live and lead in such a way so as to disqualify themselves as an elder in their own church.” Ouch.

The Rage of the Flesh – Ray Ortlund says it well: “Sir, if you abuse your wife or daughter or girlfriend, physically or verbally, you are more than a bully. You are the enemy of God.”

Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.

—A.W. Tozer

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